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Social Action always tries to push Union to new levels of social awarness and action. Here is an example of some of the events we've participated in.



tThe events of September 11, 2001 sent billions to church, synagogues, temples and mosques, and it sent Union students to Ground Zero, here in New York City, to emergency food kitchen and shelters, Red Cross disaster relief stations to help police officers, fire-fighters and family.

courtesy "A Union of Spirit" interactive DVD

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On Monday, April 19th 2004, Union's bookstore officially launched a new line of union-made, sweatshop-free t-shirts.

IIn December of 2002, the Union community came together, donating money to buy out the entire stock of t-shirts in the bookstore. Those t-shirts were donated to people in the Morningside Heights neighborhood who had lost their homes in a fire that November. Since then, the Social Action Caucus has worked with Nassef in getting a new line of t-shirts that could be a reflection of Union's values in the marketplace. Carrying this line of t-shirts is the first step of our long-term goal, where every item bearing the Union Theological Seminary logo is made under fair conditions.

UTS is the first of the Augsburg Fortress bookstores to pave the way for sweatshop-free clothing. Other Augsburg Fortress bookstores are considering offering similar sweatshop-free t-shirts if Union's line of clothing is successful.

For that reason and more buy a UTS t-shirt and support the introduction of sweatshop-free clothing into Union's bookstore!

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For many years, SAC has organized a trip to attend the November vigil and action at Ft. Benning to protest the operation of the School of Americas.

"SOA Watch is a nonviolent grassroots movement that works to stand in solidarity with the people of Latin America, to close the SOA/WHINSEC and to change oppressive U.S. foreign policy that institutions like the SOA represent. We are grateful to our sisters and brothers throughout Latin America for their inspiration and the invitation to join them in their struggle for economic and social justice." courtesy soaw.org

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Members of the SAC have been involved in countless other movements throughout their time at Union. To add them to the website, please contact jv2131@columbia.edu.

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